GIDNetwork > CMRPG update: new weapons and armor info
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CMRPG update: new weapons and armor info

by: crystalattice - Jun 17, 2005

Well, I've finally arrived in Hawaii and I'm still getting settled in. Hopefully I should have my house back together by the end of the month, though I won't have Internet access until the first part of July.

In the last few weeks, I've written more info on the background of the small arms and armor used by the Colonial Marines, using the Colonial Marines Sourcebook as a reference. I've covered the Pulse Rifle, Smartgun, Flamethrower, grenades, et al. I hope it helps later during the actual gameplay and hope it makes some of the game design easier.

My current goal is to write as much of the game background prior to actually coding the game. Several game-design sites suggest fleshing out a game's "history" before coding so you can find any potential weak areas and so you aren't trying to do two things at once. So, to get the game's background fleshed out more, I'll post info on the heavy weapons and vehicles plus expand more on the game mechanics and structure.

Feel free to peruse the info. It's very interesting even if you aren't on the RPG design team. The page can be accessed here. If anyone has ideas for the game structure or equipment inclusion, please join the forum and let me know your thoughts.

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